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I am Streen, last remaining founder of the original online Jedi Community.


In the mid 1990's, I stumbled upon a small group of people who decided to take the lessons of the Force from Star Wars realistically. This singular event put me on a path I never expected to be on. It would prove to change the way I thought, acted, and spoke. I started sharing what I had learned from philosophical sources, typically Taoism, Zen, martial arts, and other Eastern ways of thought. Though we were more like the blind leading the blind at that point—seeing as how none of us had had enough experience to really be called "teachers"—I came to enjoy teaching. I found that it was the one thing in my life that gave me meaning, and I would gladly do it for free.  We often spoke on the topic of what we might do with our lives in the future, and the answer was always the same: we were already doing it.


Of course, all the studying in the world couldn't have prepared me for what would happen to me in the mid 2000's. I was in a terrible car accident, and spent 3 months in the hospital, healing from two broken ankles and two broken arms, along with other permanent injuries that I struggle with even today. I eventually took this experience to be somewhat like Luke in the cave on Dagobah. It changed me. I learned the lesson of pain, and began to understand the phrase, "That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger."


It's been 18 years. In that time I watched the Jedi community wither and die. At least, that's how I and many other original founders saw it. The deep commitment and serious mindset seemed to be replaced with an almost commercial-like environment.


What I seek to do here is bring back some of the simplicity that once existed in the Jedi community.  On most other sites you will see many rules, regulations and restrictions.  The environment is much like a university.  There is to be no such structure here.  Here it will be more organic, more free flowing.  Here we ask people to trust the Force, to sense it, to allow it to guide us in what we do and say.


You will also notice no preference toward light or dark concepts here.  As in the intro video, not all "ways of the Force" are on one side or the other.  To quote Matthew Stover, "Sith?  Jedi?  Are these the only choices?  Dark or light, good or evil?  Is there no more to the Force than this?  What is the screen on which light and dark cast their shapes and shadows?  Where is the ground on which stands good a evil?"


Therefore, both Jedi and Sith are welcome here.  The Force is with us all...

This site is in no way affiliated with LucasFilm, LucasArts, or Disney, and does not seek any monetary gain from these entities.

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