It's long been an important aspect of being a Jedi that we practice increasing sensitivity to
the Force. It guides us, after all, when we are attuned to it. In the Star Wars fiction we are told that only a select few in the galaxy are "Force-sensitive". In the real world, all human beings are Force-sensitive, but few ever take the opportunity to reach out to it, feel it, sense it. That part isn't fiction. We call the Force what some people call the Tao, or Chi, or even the Holy Spirit. It is all of these, and more.
From a physical standpoint it has many uses, but for now it is possible to learn simply how to feel the Force flowing through you. The following steps can help with that.
Sit somewhere comfortable, close your eyes and place your hands in your lap. Take some deep breaths using the 4-4-4-4 method. Inhale 4 seconds. Hold breath 4 seconds. Exhale 4 seconds. Hold again 4 seconds. Repeat.
When you start to feel relaxed, imagine that when you inhale you are breathing in light. When you exhale, imagine you are breathing out darkness. Continue this until you can picture your entire body full of light.
Now take that light and move it through your body until you can focus all of it into the base of your spine. Concentrate until it becomes a single point of light.
Now, start to move that point of light up your spine until it reaches the top of your head. Open your mind and let that light flow out through you.
Let the Force enter you through the base of your spine and flow up through you, making it a constant cycle of energy in motion.
Some people upon practicing this technique feel a kind of "lightness" in their body. I had once described it as a "high", almost like falling in love. If it didn't work for you the first time, don't worry. For some people it takes practice, but nearly everyone is successful in the end. Concentration and imagination are important here.
This, however, is merely the beginning. This will put you in touch with the Force, but what it does beyond that is entirely up to you. If you want to discuss specific uses for the Force, please feel free to contact me on Discord.