I have an anxiety disorder. You might as well know that. It affects every aspect of my life. That being said, it's been very difficult to navigate the world as a Jedi.
More recently, however, I came to the realization that my worries, anxieties, and fears have been fueled by a flawed perspective of the universe. What I mean by that is that I made my world very small, in which my problems controlled my actions and how I reacted to things. More importantly it affected what I considered to be important.
Then I thought about the Universe. What we know of it is scarily vast and seemingly without end, not to mention more recent theories about a Multiverse. In such an immense reality, of which I am a very miniscule part, how can the things I worry about really matter?
Politics. Money. Religion. What significance do these petty concepts really have in a reality that is bigger than any human being can properly comprehend? You have to let go of your concerns, the tiny, meaningless garbage that we tend to focus on. From a Universal Perspective, none of that matters.
Now, I can understand how this might make certain people depressed to think that nothing we do matters. That's not at all what I'm trying to say. There are things that matter, and probably most importantly including Love. What do you love? Who do you love? What matters to you? That is what you need to figure out, because I promise you that the rest of it is just dust in the wind.